Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Cut Out Stone, The Grand Maaseiah, The Millennium Reign

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and sixty-nine 02/04 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

-Righteously Dividing The Enemy

January 30, 2017


       And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring,  Starring:  Nicholas Edin Coogan, Tiffany Ann Saurus,  (Maaseiah Adonai), Amir Adam Coogan, Agurus Shiban Coogan, Megan Kiera Welton, Ashton Heus Coogan, Gabriel Rayan Coogan, Felicity Elaine Stuard.

                              The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy 2016
                                You Have Entered The Juttah Septennial

      -Unto Rudolph James Saurus  and Thadius Consuela Leathercoat was born their daughter Maaseiah Adonai Saurus, and twin sons, Ivar Icus Saurus and Agurus Ivar Saurus                                     -Unto Anthony Abraham Coogan and Cossie Ann Matheson was born their first son Bradford Ean Coogan, their second son Syefan Erin Coogan and a third son, Nicholas Edin Coogan
     -Unto Tiffany and Nicholas Edin Coogan, was born their twin sons Agurus Heus Coogan and Heus Agurus Coogan, and a daughter born unto them one year later, B. Karsiann Coogan.         -Unto Agurus Heus Coogan and Chelsea Shiban Welton was born their first son, Amir Adam Coogan, an additional son, Agurus Shiban Coogan, and a daughter Megan Kiera Welton                           
      -Unto Heus Agurus Coogan and Aslan Myreh Stuard was born their first son Ashton Heus Coogan, their second son, Gabriel Rayan Coogan and a daughter Felicity Elaine Stuard
     -These are the descendant of the beauty of love, through which its beast couldn't prevent, look for them in the most romantic, prophetic, poetic and spiritually anticipated future of mankind, Beast of Beauty Fea. the Septennial Juttah, you've just entered the African Juttah 2016...wr. 1992-2016, 2017, Apb                         

Will Thou At This Time Destroy The Entire House Of Israel? Ezekiel, 9th Chapter

     "America's judgment did come in one day, the September 11th attacks, it's was then stalled as it went into further prediction and basically forgotten. The night of December 25th, of that same year, that for 190 months more, again this judgement. So for the remainder of Bush wars, into a now 2003 pending Hussein Obama administration; if not Saddam, why not Hussein? Clearly as described, one error/era into a new fear-factor, a person of Islamic lineage. Probably a retaliation to Bush's combative response to Islam; what they despised the most, now had the highest rank on the planet, the US presidency. What was there to fear? We know this 190 lbs., sum calculated into months was accurate, you see all other end time prophecy given, was just as accurate. Especially the Angel Gabriel. His appearing, exactly twelve years ago, reminding fulfillment had come, 12 as we all know is a significant biblical number, or sum. Though was so this awakening, 2015, showing the religious world now turning it's attention to the great gathering of saints. While on the other hand the political world was being overshadowed by news of Britain's Cameron. Not only as his military strategy brought Russia's Putin to further ally Syria's Assad, just as soon is come this breaking into various ceasefires right along this one in particular. This one made in Geneva Switzerland, as its collaborators reported a wait which took one hour, (member nation will fall under the beast spell after one hour with this beast, see Rev. 17;12). Here they were, that's the one nation, that was being highly accused of having a beast reigning in the White house of America. How could I argue? I'd heard territory spirits in discussions about Geneva, commanding, "don't touch Geneva!" While world nations were tumbling as of biblical prophecy. In likeness, I'd seen the rise of what I learn later were the two beast of Revelation 13. One from land, one from sea, just as Senator Hussein Obama campaigned his two weeks and seven year administration. Now as in the dream, again of us being captured away, only this time, given a departure date of September 25, and this warning, how it was all about Cameron. I just didn't realize, this was the year, the time table given Obama was only weeks away from it's finale. Whereas Cameron's Britain would vote to leave the EU and blanket the world over with it's now highly publicized and criticized Brexit, a solemn look at the West end. The year 2015 Grand Maaseiah is known for other of your greatest of revelations. You not only witness the Beast, Antichrist in great prowess and unstoppable, you as well actually witness the Bride reigning in heaven. Yes sweet Megan, I was wondering where you were, why you three wasn't together. I heard you are as well married, and with child, yes, yes sweet mamma I am, and this, this is my husband Colten, he's a Hymm, yes, I think I can see that, how very handsome. I also brought Ashton, Gabriel and Felicity, so all your grands are here. Then, O happy day as Holy Spirits, Meggie would say, it's been a long time, such a stunning loveliness all of you, all around. Ah yes, to answer your question strangely even now, she, the reigning Bride as you say. She was in possession of the stone cut out without hands. Apparently, visions of holy spirits. Of those taken to heaven, it's as though you are as well omniscient, no one has to tell you, you just know. I saw clearly what set this stone apart from all others, made without hands, and that it had the surface of a meteor. Just as so that when She released it, I heard a mighty voice claim, "this is the Antichrist murderer." In other words, this stone alone was it's single match for destruction, which was most of all unveiled to King of Kings Nebuchadnezzar, now destined to fire and brimstone. And did you grand Maaseiah, I'm Ashton by the way, Agurus first son, did you see, or were you allowed her identity or is that a secret? No secret Aggie, as Megan would say, though just as you sweet boy asked, the clock hit 17 and 7. An assigned figure I've now learn represents both an end of all things apostate, but just as well it begins this phenomena infinity that is Christ Jesus. It was me, this Bride I saw reigning in heaven was me. I was like contorted along a lackadaisical spirit I yet don't understand, just as I released it. I often wondered, when John saw the twenty-four elders, yeah grandmar, did he, even could he, like you, see himself? So by this time we'd been given more revelations concerning this now beyond imagined time table of 190 months. Where I'd by now seen the country lose like hundreds of years, of which I testified of this visible lost before I understood the 190 lbs figure also represented years. Only as is portrayed in one of my scripture dream of Ezekiel. 4, a subtraction, of which doing the dream was obvious, meaning a set back to 1811, 1812. As, well suddenly they, these spirits I guess, began leading my way, this towering beige, invested with fleas horse. The first of it's judgments, whereas off in the distant was a new world power visibly metastasizing. From where I could see, it was totally middle eastern, it was man's worse of nightmares actualizing since the fall to earth Satan Himself, the religion of Islam. Is that as well why you predicted a Hussein reign of all places Grand Maaseiah, the Whitehouse, yes, that and as it's prophesied rule these last days. Ah grand Maaseiah, in beige, don't you mean pale horse? Ah son Amir, when you first read this prophecy, you'll read beige horse. It wasn't until later I realize it was pale, still much later, before I realized it was the pale horse of revelation, or pestilence. Which would explain it being infested with fleas, this black death, which mean it is also pending this 2017 finale. This nearing calamity is why oddly I keep finding quarters in the oddest of places, it's vulgar reminder of the greatest scourge ever this world, where equally a quarter of this earth is facing a mighty judgment of hell to follow. Men have no power, godly nor ungodly, which is why Jesus always gave God, the Father this glory. President Trump back to the first of it's kind, even king, force and power here has always been the fulfillment of bible prophecy. Even before Jesus, prophesied was an emerging woman seed that would regardless of Satan's mightiest efforts throw off the weighty yoke of Adam and Eve's transgression. Yet crying aloud still these thousands of years, come, let us reason together, forget those things behind you, press toward the mark, of the prize, of the high calling of God, that is in Christ Jesus the Lord. So stunning Grand Maaseiah, yes, Jesus did tell them greater works shall ye do, I ascend to responsibilities in heaven. That's what the Christ of resurrection said to you that day, right, three times, come? Correct, and John testifies of hearing a voice like a trumpet saying "come, up here," what many scholars have deem the authentic rapture.  Just imagine all my children, she is now there, as of John's testimony, and the grandest ever of celebration is going on and on. Herein explaining the trial run, the dress rehearsal, all the categories of rapture, these thirty to thousands of years. Then here lately, the roll call being made of the names out of the book of life, if you can just imagine that. Only John most mesmerized is approached upon, spinning him instead this enormousness. Along what he can only describe is a silence in heaven, about the space of half an hour and there he's reminded his time is not yet. That he has many of nations, kingdoms and people upon which to prophesy, and she the Bride after him. They're both seeing and hearing this, again per a horrid silence brought about of a timeout doing these amazing ceremonies. Then it's as though a transportation, even a transfiguration happens and they'll before Moses' Mount Sinai. They're seeing even what he saw that day, an illumination like the sun which spoke. Now to the great whore of all apostate mass assembly world wide these many millennia "let my people go!" For only the truth and anointing of Holy Spirits will make them free, now taking on Jesus' easy yoke, bidden to the marriage supper. So seeing Jesus' Millennium follow Obama's meant, grand Maaseiah, ah, what just happen?" All of them, her grands now grown, married, with or carrying the next generation of Juttah, this stunning, seeming historic chamber of hers. "Its as though you went into a trance, which proves my sons and daughters, how speedily it's to happen. Ah the sweet discrepancy, John saw the church as the twenty-four elders, I instead saw it as the Righteous Bride, but they're one in the same. Now as I was saying, Jesus' Millennium following, Obama mean we have entered a time that has ushered all world events into the most prophesied, anticipated. As so researched predestination of men to resolving the affairs of mankind since the woman seed itself, Daniel's final week of years. Now once you, was it frustration, Grand Maaseiah, the toll God's long suffering has taken on all of us these thousands upon thousands of years, is that what you felt before releasing the specialty Stone of all stones? Perhaps Aggie that is a better description, so here as we realize this, I know you begin to wonder, how on earth, after all these thousands of years could it be now, how could it be us? Then I ask, my son and daughters, after all these thousands of years of prophecy, of Jesus' Cross, of God's promises seeming gone void, how can it not be us, how can it not be now? Now here was the Angel Gabriel, face to face with thine own Maaseiah, unveiling this very revelation, crying the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind and I yet didn't get it. Perhaps you can say the Bride, like America suffer's from a form of normalcy bias all it's own.  That with every decision, great men to small are all mightily than ever left with the decision whether they're for God's Kingdom reign over the Kingdoms of men, or whether they're against? While the book of Psalm, it's second chapter comprises this very question "why do the heathen foolishly rage against God? And herein what could only be the result, which would further explain something else Gabriel 2004 said. Once this mystery "she's coming with the seventh angel," having been off with Christ the last seven years. I was as to kneel, I was as one prostrated still as to kiss his more than worthy feet. Still, not realizing we'd arrived a beyond cataclysmic performance, the Mount of Olives, the most important battle of all times ever, or ever would again be. Israel for the final time wouldn't only be rescued out of the hands of her enemies, for the first this nation as an entire would realize who this rescuer is; it's own son of David, and always have been Jesus, this King of all kings, this Lord of all lords. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder. And his name shall be called Wonderful," they all simultaneously, all around her begin to chant, highlighting her day all the more, "councilor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Yes, yes, kiss this son, all my children, lest he be angry and we perish from the way. You can yet hear him as he converse with the Samaritan woman, Jacobs' well, how is it the Jews know who it is they worship, for salvation is of the Jews. This blessed one whom it would seem not only since 2015, but possibly since He appeared in the heavens to me 1986, even since the war in heaven and Satan and His followers were cast down to the earth. That Jesus has been remaining closer than we ever could've imagined, it's the place, doing one of the demonstrations of escape where we rested a bit. Possibly after the Lamb's Marriage Supper, we stay here, until the final week of Daniel was finished and from this special place, the second heavens, even this outreach of intercessory, no activity on this earth, to ruin nor to revive was kept from us, we were now as Jesus, as Heavenly Father, we were now Heir. "Well," hearing clearly a dinner bell that startled all of them into an eerie now, "it would seem dinner is ready, I'm yet to believe you are all here with me, this mother's day of them all. Being together this way, we should pray as the prophet Daniel. that like a King Nebuchad-nezzar, all world leaders wake up from all these mad transgressions cursed upon them and serve the God of all gods, Amen, and amen. This time before now, I heard gramps say, her favorite kind of movies were Sci Fy and Romance, the two things man was good at playacting, thus so perfect for movies. I've never Megan been around any body or anything like that," sniffing and wiping meticiously to vent, were they all headed home for now. Even those nuptial to prenuptial dorms, the stunning shores of New Africa, "hey love, you alright? No, but I will be, if you're contemplating all the death and dying, just you Colt remember. Think about that huge, incalculable number John saw, yes, thanks for that, that really help, it's just the thing Colt, so we know our labor isn't in vain."  Why speak in parables, for they say the lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, awake, Apb, The RAM, see also

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

And The Merchants Were Heard No More At All In Thee

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and eighteen, 12/16 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America), gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link, The Outbreak Of Mortuary

     Hark, I hear a voice, "2004, God said, He, possibly His Wine Press, or your little horn, or both, "will kill millions," see the rider of death, pale horse, 1996, 2001-2017
   Hark, there's a voice, 2005, "the Antichrist will kill millions, as millions, go broke," see having a bear in 120 countries, 2016                        
   Hark, a voice, 2016, "Kill All Parents, by, (we can only assume the target here is corrupt parents, influencing their evil ways upon their offspring threatening for generations to come, alike abominations, children obey your parents "IN THE LORD)."

Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone, Only Darkness Everyday

     "Yeah Sears failing, as so many others, yes Sole, I can yet hear God crying behind the silence in heaven, behold I will strip their leaders, and leave them as in the day of their birth, so this too May is a fulfillment, you saw commerce fall as surely as banks and everything else. To me you, saying that about such an Iconic industry is like saying that about the Country America, that it Nears It's End, of course when such is the headline, there will be dancing in the streets of Gold, with such chanting as, the kingdoms of men have become the kingdoms of God and his Christ and they shall reign forever. I admit the fall of Westernize civilization, one of Satan's greatest sword against mankind since original sin, will be as celebrated as the permanent fall of Babylon, and the twenty elders Desrek cast down their crowns in celebration. Yeah I was explaining to the kids lately, how just as anxious the righteous is to ascend to heaven, heavens host are just as anxious to descend to earth, God's Kingdom reign, that they actually told me this, then I remind them, heavens host has been heaven bound al their existence, only this visitor, and human kind, the earth, only visiting heaven, so we're both anxious for a change in venture so to speak, looking at me oddly I explain, they've show and interact with me, even us such phenomenon things to reassure us heaven is a real place, all about God's business of HIs Will being fulfilled. When you May say they too you, you mean when you was there and they told you how they couldn't wait to be on earth assuredly as yourself? Intimidated me Desrek in ways, there was no way I was going to tell anyone that, no way, I don't, you was in heaven where angel discussed evenly abiding on the earth with us, yes Hain, a new glorified us, a new heaven and earth, Jesus' Millennium to God's reigning Kingdom, this is what God's visitation with man, and overseeing world affair from the mystery of that forbidden tree, the woman seed, of godliness and now the fall of mystery America/Babylon, causing the most harm, being so successful a being a light that is actually dark, menacing and damning hid in the shadow of indescribable for a million years mankind's disobedience, his, their first condemnation of the entire human populace sin. But don't be alarmed, Angels have always come, sat and visit with me, yeah, I knew always knew that, but I little understood it. I was always theirs and they were always mine, or ours, but they can't even won't inject themselves into our lives, without our permission, that's how knew how serious it was, when you realize May you was living a life, apart from God, yes, it horrified me, that he couldn't be near me, nor I him, as a life of sin prevented him, as a life of sin, you guys prevented us a divine relationship.  Well the end to the beginning of God's Kingdom the fifteen point ten year countdown since 2001, will as May said only months from now finally deliver the world scene this heartbreaking, yet magnanimous wake up call, and the great whore John saw sitting on many waters, those waters being kingdoms, nations and people, though most of earths inhabitants doesn't see how this is a celebration at all, as they suffer from what scientist call incarceration syndrome, yeah, it's why even while they were taken me off to heaven, I was sorely cast down in my spirit, the earth is yet the only home we know, the only reality. yeah, as lon as the Roman Empire, the British Empire is in biblical prophecy, America is the same, only disguise of a leopard skin cover, of a predatory lending of all kingdoms rising and falling. So like Desrek is saying, the more it crumbles, and here soon all of a sudden and millions of people who don't have to lose their souls, being so entirely forewarn, he grace here Hain is there are some finally come to terms with what they've known all alone but just couldn't admit, millions getting out of here, though many yet thinking being ousted out of America is a bad thing, when in reality, yet in disguised but a blessing, no less, yeah forgive Lord, help thou our unbelief. The whore of religion they call the free world, that holy scripture call mystery, that epidemic of wars all through the centuries hath her name Babylon, Satan's city as surely as Jerusalem is the city of God. Yeah because all their existence their unbelief into rebellion, into insurmountable trespass has left them abiding by a darken mirror, a clever than ever obscurity only taken away as one place all they treasure in Christ Jesus, all they treasure? "Yeah, yeah," seeming a solemn sigh along a toast and sip of her cup, were horrors happening all round, up, down, between even inside, and out and being so prudent against righteousness millions, even billions couldn't see it only to achieve the America dream even as it waste away to dust betwixt heir grievous fingers, and breaking-heartedly, millions were suffering unnecessarily. "And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more, the holy spirit called them whimsical creations, as one sweeping her dampen cheeks, even as she'd that day of such the reveal seeming so long ago, that they wouldn't be able to give them away, I sat there horrified at them, a man treasures is his heart, and I mourn the holy spirit then asked, what, don't they deserve it, in other words, shouldn't they reap this insurmountable blood toll, Americans little knowing or caring at this point, every scent they spent had somebody blood on it, it wasn't only that they'd learn by a code of blood diamonds, but blood merchandise period, without shedding of blood, gfreat nations like America would, could never exist nor replenish, whimsical, does that mean laughable, as in I will laugh when your fear cometh?
Yeah May, you witness it all come completely worthless and you guys here lately, I saw the word treasure, all black and blasted and it just before that Tennessee fire and his really creepy warning, as though there is no escape, a voice lamenting, :yours is a nuclear fate. Whatever happen instantly it was all set back to the western days, I mean blink and you would've missed it, like all of sudden this black out, and with that September to October finale, were talking only months from now, and I'm afraid, millions here, in the US of A were dead. I, did you know doing Babylon's fall it is said three not once how her complete deletion will come in an hour, so that's what you think, no Desrek, it's what revelation is saying, what saw happen was to drive along this wilderness, now this beyond innovations of technologies one moment and the next moment like I say blink, and there is nothing left but a weigh station, a judgement and sentence and what was before, this intrepid adventure, was over, hundreds of years over, into looking at what could only be a pale horse judgement, with all like following, pending and that's may what you meant by  you've seen this end in very scenario, yes Sole, I guess, you, Kassle, you are always so quiet, your sister Kiefer as well, do you guys  know what's happening and why, of have you been possessed into the normalcy bias? That's May an extinction level event, and it is prophesied all through prophetic scripture, especially the 6th seal of revelation, which most believe is a super volcano, and I read yesterday when you asked what could cause such a sudden overall end of a nation of 300 millions people? Then you encouraged people to keep their stores stocked, and I should have said their packs, running shoes ready. I went to where you Hain were just qupting, ah, revelation 18, the fall of mystery America I saw, the complete fall of Babylon is later did you also realize May you predicted the rise of those two beast you saw was the fulfillment of  Rev. 17:8, as of Obama's now expired administration and what President Trump is facing now is Rev. 17:16, being fulfilled, and I was being given revelation as I said it, but if you think about if the next seven years are Daniel's prophecies fulfilled then we've entered into the most volatile of end time scripture and God's people, you know what I want to do, tell every church to make itself more a house and prayer and homeless shelter, those days are no longer coming, nearly two decades ago, 1998 we were warn of this darkness coming, it's here, and until Jesus Himself sat his feet on top Olivet it will have no earthbound match, with the exception of God's Wine Press pouring out of itself.
The great whore as described to John so demonstrates what western civilization has been all these thousands of years, the bucket of temporal water, even Jacob's Well, only to have thirst beyond a ruin, verses the spring of living water only Jesus can offer, that is a well gushing up and out of us into immortal life, and I shall send them strong, yeah Andre the see, hear, speak, admit no evil cursed, and that's even though their children, and churches, their streets, are sorely inundated with such ceaseless,  undeniable peril, . America no different than any worship of the world, of gain more so than godliness, and admittedly they know this, like it's devious Father, it hath come, or exist for to steal, kill and destroy any human being rebelling Jesus Christ. Herein not since Moses lead the Hebrew out of such cruelty, unforeseen now is there an alike liberation of the world populace being held hostage by this mammoth whoring, bully, that desecrates not only into the greatest of abominations but damnation and hell. I tell you after the God crying his people are dying, the God declaring them an exodus, escape, the God setting a siege against an  entire earth of enemies, marking them for death here lately, calling on mostly parents to be targeted, here in revelation crying come out or die, as the ancient Egyptians, the Mayans foresaw we're not supposed to be here, meaning? We were never supposed to make this cursed to make of itself a chaotic mess, even the stars of heaven, it was never supposed to be our permanent home, we were never supposed to make ourselves so comfortable, so American, and there is the problem, we think by gaining America we gain this only worthy, but no, that is and always have been and l ways will be Jesus Christ, God's Will for the Godman, even before the foundation of the world.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

When The Fat Man, Michael Clark Duncan Sing Armageddon

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?                            

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and fifty-four 01/19 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and
Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, 

-Righteously Dividing The Enemy      
Prophecy Link, The Outbreak Of Mortuary

     -Hark, I hear a voice, "2004, God said, He, possibly His Wine Press, or your little horn, or both, "will kill millions," see the rider of death, pale horse, 1996, 2001-2017
-Hark, there's a voice, 2005, "the Antichrist will kill millions, as millions, go broke," see having a bear in 120 countries, 2016
     -Made to see a grim reaper coming upon already stampeding Americans, overcoming them by a sword-like syringe stab to the heart, all left is an insignificant art-like manner of memorabilia hung on the refrigerator, of better days no longer, 2009
     -Hark, a voice, 2016, "Kill All Parents, by, (we can only assume the target here is corrupt parents, influencing their evil ways upon their offspring threatening for generations to come, alike abominations, children obey your parents "IN THE LORD)."
     -Made to see stampeding people my street, as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable, made completely helpless.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, just start walking further south eastward, Apb

When The Fat Man, Michael Clark Duncan Sing Armageddon

     "No Soux darling, what's really freaking everyone is we have a Maaseiah who has for nearly two decades prophesied the end of it all, Right now set to happen at the same time all nations and world leaders, all world affairs are lined up perfectly as end time prophecy would have them. I bet you right this moment God has every world leader where he want them, doing what he want, thinking what he want, right alone her prophetic time table. Yeah Maaseiah say just imagine after the September 11th attacks through the Bush Administration, this war on the axis of evil, that the end of Western Civilization was out on pause just as Obama was sworn into Presidential Office, May said the bringing VB of the second worse scourge of mankind, the transatlantic slave market full circle, when instead just as Trump was sworn in, the very opposite happen, the two weeks and seven years of allowance expired until it's as though the world super powers are set to this original war setting, even Bush administration which Apache can be seen in every aspect here and around the warring world, Western Civilization ending Maaseiah sorely Prophesied timetable will further explain seeing Jesus' Millennium follow Obama's, like Trump's never was, why Maaseiah declared it a Truexit, while it the White was yet pending. Ah her dream about the woman bearing black bowls what's that. Bowls Nom, as in vials, if she represent, well they come as a warning, held up as she and Maaseiah strike up a conversation, so, courtesy begets courtesy, there is noticeably a stage of grace between disaster and complete calamity, yeah like wake up, the dream is past, get safe, which you guys in all the reality is Jesus' Christ. I mean first she realized, it's a giant maze of a homeless, so climatic all personal the same, and the human moral compass so perverted it's as pedophile to transgender traps for children and the human toll so vast it's as though a whole world take solace in a single refreshing fountain so you talking millions dead, and millions pending, yeah because your talking a fountain of death verses the one of Life Christ gives that's said, done, cast your cares upon Him, for he cares for you.You guys know how it was a while before Maaseiah really realized, the intrepid dream timetable happen the year as the September 11th attacks, as so has come the stalk reality the dispensation of Grace, the church Age Bride, Western Civilization as all you guys ending,  ah my Christ, the month of September, Cress, let see them like a King Nebuchadnezzar's, awake from wilderness madness and seek God for this entire world leading country. We have committed all this evil, yet we make not our prayers before the lord that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth.

Friday, January 20, 2017

And There Came One Of The Seven Angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me,

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?                           

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and fifty-four 01/19 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and
Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, 

-Righteously Dividing The Enemy      
Prophecy Link, The Outbreak Of Mortuary

-Hark, I hear a voice, "2004, God said, He, possibly His Wine Press, or your little horn, or both, "will kill millions," see the rider of death, pale horse, 1996, 2001-2017
-Hark, there's a voice, 2005, "the antichrist will kill millions, as millions, go broke," see having a bear in 120 countries, 2016
-Made to see a grim reaper coming upon already stampeding Americans, overcoming them by a swordlike syringe stab to the heart, all left is an insignificant artlike manner of memorabilia hung on the refrigerator, of better days no longer, 2009
-Hark, a voice, 2016, "Kill All Parents, by, (we can only assume the target here is corrupt parents, influencing their evil ways upon their offspring threating for generations to come, alike abominations, children obey your parents "IN THE LORD)."
-Made to see stampeding people my street, as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable, made completely helpless.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, just start walking further south eastward, Apb

When The Fat Man, Michael Clark Duncan Sing Armageddon

    "I think brother you and I are saying the same, Maaseiah having him declared a Truexit, could mean just swearing him in could be taken as a sure sign Americans no longer listens to God as God, let alone Lord. Nor do they regard Jesus' Cross as His form of righteousness, ah doesn't America with a Trump Whitehouse, now have more of a likeness to King Zedekiah, Judah's proxy/ puppet King. You are talking of American as though it's fate, like Mystery itself was decided the night of December 25th, 2001, making Trump's prophetically illegitimate, do God is out of their affairs depending upon the 2001 timetable.
Then if Obama's was a wilderness of sin, Trump is the golden cafe of heathenistic practices this wayward path into Cannanland, only now brother they've destroyed Cannanland and seek by Grace's another.  Wait a minute, don't you all see it?Maaseiah's slow motion exodus, you mean like all, ah, since spring of 1986 we've like the Hebrews been wondering a cursed desert of peril after peril, even Sioux this Intrepid Advenure set to finale along unthinkable disasters, ah like now, said calamaties all poised these proposed 15.10 years, 2017, depentant upon Her reconciliation, when all they've given him are pricerer worship temples, a call to repent reinterated Maaeiah's call for the cancellations of 2016 elections into a nationwide, call that voting booths be instead pounded into alters toward Christ Jesus. You mean like the four winds of revelations 7 being commanded to hold back until a certain one is marked. Frightfully Medicine explaining Maaseiah being taken just lately into a physically overwhelming census taking of her own. Then you guys just as soon, yeah, all parents being commanded to be meet with just this outbreak of mortuary. So you saying Maaseiah just physically participated in the sealing of the 144,000, is that? Whose saying that Medicine, you, I mean could that be, of course it could be, Holy Spirits just verifying into fulfillment what's already been revealed, including her, I guess.The Intrepid Dream was set in the middle of a vast wilderness that had been by recent innovations transformed into the most magnificent of modernizations and Lion Wolf in only a few minutes taken from them, like hundreds of years worth, then the weight of judgment, then the pale horse, then Islamic reign, then the Antichrist.  So on with the command to seperate America and Britain into the shattered toes of King Nebuchadnezzar's image. That's Sabertooth regardless of how they practice what's being labored a normalcy bias, mean Saber they're sane and we're mental. Yeah I like to think when Holy Spirits showed, wait what's that? Estimted time of arrival Bronze, the African Juttah, this September 23rd, in 17.7 hours, ah Bronze, as you was saying, ah, well I see it as holy spirit asking this King of kings who has everything, everyone at his disposal. That's showing him the crashing to pieces of this image, was asking him, what shall it profit him having gain the world that's passing away at the whim of bible prophecy, with Jesus himself inquiring further, what shall he, agian this King of king, whereas all gone before, and all prophesied to rise, are to learn such the parable from him, what shall be given in exchange for one's soul? The prized into deluding leopard skin coat, as temporary as it is artificial. Praise the hallelujah Lord unlike most leaders King Nebuchadnezzar made the correct choice, so get out of all these Abominations Americans while you still can, things seen temporal, thing not seen eternal."    >>>Lord Urusalem: "Should I even Lord Hadraniel ask, where are you taking me? He want to see you, who, him, I don't under, that before Lord Urusalem, being detoured from limitless celebrations in heaven, could finish saying, she found herself standing before a mountainside, from which she witness an illumination like the sun rise and emerge, only it began to speak to her, where she then heard in her ear, "let my people go! Is that You Lord! My people Urusalem perish and no man lay it to heart, merciful men are lost, as though none consider the righteous are taken out of the evil to come, so Lord Holy let it be written, so let it be done, I will not rest again these high heavens until I like My Lord Christ have done all to testify of Truth, your glorious word, righteousness alone, Holy One Of Israel, Is Truth, may it be well unto thee Lord Urusalem, Peace with you doing your endeavors, at thy Will Ancient of Days, truly blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.-"Urusalem, Surely now I know Lord Israel what it is you were to persuade of me being persuaded of ascension to here, how the dreams, visions and visitations, even Christ Lord, invitations were actually memories." Phenomenally as this eternally coupled pair, standing gazing into such the fascinating scene only if you're to combine the greatest phenom of both their worlds, could you ever make any comparison, as in again, this beyond comprehension into divine dissolution so deliciously spell binding. "I gather Lord Urusalem said proceedings just now hold such the familiarity? I will wake this morning my bed, we exalt thee were the amazing lyrical playing in my head. Like now, I'd been in a ceremony whereas those specialty books were being open. Then like a roll call was being performed, as to question whether all written there were present, or Lord Maaseiah, for placement. I'm just reminded Lord of those threaten to be stricken out, where Lord Highest we lost many, though out of these greatest of troubles many as well come. Only like just now, whenever said identicalness was revealed, so amazingly it would rise from these ancient page. Craftily fitter and float away into I don't know heavenly places all around, all Lord Urusalem made anew. I will make you a pillar of my God and a new name, beyond all names shall I give you. This Lord thyself holy and true could mean one thing, the seventh Angel prepare itself to sound, Commander Michael war into Helel's 1000 years imprisonment again. Here, trumpeting Lord Gabriel equal interference, and you Lord the well prepared situation stone. There is yet another memory, onto the desolation of the rebellious, all Lord Urusalem as has been prophesied surely with you Lord Israel being the spirit of prophecy, all is as it should be with our souls. As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon them yet they made not their prayesr before the Lord our God, that they might turn from their iniquities, and understand His Truth.Therefore Lord Urusalem hath the Lord watched upon the evil, and brought it upon them. for the Lord our God is righteous in all his works which he doeth: for we obeyed not his voice.      >>>No, we've not taken the Lord's advice, being careful how we build upon another's man foundation, who builder and maker is God, God showing himself, with fury rising into his face, is so very urgent. No, this present inarguration is for a millionth time too much like waiting on God to bless sin, the abortion legality, the same sex marriage legaliy, the legality of other pending what to God are counted as abominations and destastations upon the religious, political and domestic realities of  the people all not since Noah's day counted as a lost generation. No wonder Heavens Father had it declared by the Angel Gabriel all unto fulfillment right into the sounding of the seventh angel, and the prophet Isaiah lameting, and the government of the world shall be upon his shoulder, the only blessed day which has come for all he world, no even the Juttah Septennial can touch it, for come ia Jesus' Millennium.  You know Wounded Knee what you're saying right? Even heavens host forwarning us three consecetives terms how great sorrow is now come down to us.  You're asking us to imagine heavens host shaking and dropping their heads at us, the very ones entrusted to lift Christ up that he draw all men into Righteousness have all instead been lead along the deadliest of predatory lending  deemed Mystery America not only stranding them the hightes of Nimrod's peaks, but holding them hostage by the greatest of world treasures, it's most outlandish transgression for which you hear it being espounded upon the Apostle John, and I quote Holy Spirits, come out of her my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, that you receieve not of her plagues, then Maaseiah testifies of seeing a Fat man, towering mucles, with the ensignal of heavens man, the Archangel Michael, singing throughout a vast wilderness of sin, an approaching Armageddon, and mankind sorely targeted is helpless, whether they're the sons of Adam or Abraham, besides Christ's Cross to deliever themselves.   >>>Lord Urusalem: Now therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, and Lord Israel cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord's sake. O my God, incline thine ear, and hear; open thine eyes, and behold our desolation, and the city which is called by thy name: for we do not present our supplications before thee for our righteousness, but for thy great mercies. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken and do; defer not, for thine own sake, O my God: for thy city and thy people are called by thy name. All such request, blessed Lord Bride, fulfilled the wounded Lamb John did see, the Cross. Please enter Lord Raphael at thy will, please excuse my intrusion holy lords combine as one, you are both being summon, the chief hall, the great white throne of divine justice,the fulfillment of Lord Zechariah is presently upon us, it's twilight now dawns. I see Sir Raphael, Lords Uriel, Raguel, Sariel, and Jeremielis are with thee, yes Lords as is beneficial, Helel it would seem is his busiest ever. You are undoubtedly Maaseiah laying this all to memories, of Lord being atop Olivet with thee, with you that is, all of which now cry aloud, behold, the day of the Lord, Lord Urusalem cometh, and there spoil shall be divided in the midst of them. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.     >>>"Pound self into the dust remember, no Medicine it was rather self need to be pound into the dust," Maaseiah said a voice, just as suddenly spoke to her, momentarily causing her to wonder. When she was reminded of Jesus' lesson about the seed, how only as it goes into the earth, the dirt, smother and dies, could it then reproduce life, so becoming a new man, creature in Christ is impossible, unless self is sacrified to Holy Spirit's work, first, which is literally impossible, which is why only a record few make it through said wilderness into a likeness of Christ. ok, ok, Sioux, Lion Wolf,  the rest of my brothers,  with all that said,isn't looking at America, the rest right now in real time, like looking eye to eye with the abomination that maketh desolate that Jesus fowarn would most of all spell Israel and thus mankind's prophetic end, all having eyes to see, but blind, all havig ears to hear, but deaf, all having a mouth to speak, but are dumb, all as well you guys having a heart but waxed cold, just his muzzle of, at every aspect of God's truth of the Lamb and Ark of salvation having thread out his own righteous blood and though they sand doomed at the very precifice of mankind greatest forfeiures of humanity they yet choose temporal flesh over holy Spirit, please you guys wake me when we arrive there.      >>>Lord Urusalem: And his feet Lord Israel, as I did see, shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. And ye, sweet bruised marred shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the Lord my God shall come and Lord Israel, holy an true, all the saints with thee, And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: truly praise be to Lord Ananiel and Hananial who are at their assigned post, then we Lord Raphael are permanently at thy service. But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light. The mountains will no doubt cleave in two here, now since Gog is here, Magog there, arriving here will give the bruised Marred escape along this new valley here, as is purpose with Lord Israel. Estimated time Sariel of invasion? According to final time tables is along the sands of time Lord Jeremielis here, and as so if I'm not mistaking here, the Lord our God preps, His Urusalem as well, there is no time left, trumpets are being readied, tell me our plans will fair as well as the day our Lord was victorious in these battles. It will Lord Mikhaḗl, Jibreel as surely as the Lord Ancient Wills, I can't believe this is really happy," as one joyfully being fasten upon of battle garment, the chief of heaven's army, was this uncertainly on the repeat, it, the twilight, daylight of all gone before was all really happening, "as surely as he," as one spinning along getting this specialty sash just right, Lord 0f Lord, King Of king, as born of the Lord Israel, Himself there was indeed no turning or take backs, the very hour hath come, on to delivering Jacob's panting mightily after Elohim sons.     >>>"Can't Cheyenne do that exactly, Sioux and I didn;t tel you, but his is going out as a live broadcast, so you're asking that he people hear you snoring while they're dying. I know, I know, it is the choice they've made, but what did Jesus pray even as he hung the cross? Maaseiah believe the glorified bride has already been awarded it's mission, and it is to interceed God's Throne concerning the tribulation saints which his broadcast will surely target once the Septennial is finished. Well Apache it's not like I knew that, we're live really, yes, but don't let that interfer with you being free my brothers all around to share.  So was i Maaseiah's ideal, only Sioux, Apache she's not here, well the same identical spirit that worketh through her is. Ok, her testament, the experience of feeling fury rise into Elohim's face what does that mean? That these people even Marked Tree, even after thousands of years of outreaching it's ministry of truth, they yet don't get it, you yet hear Jesus lamenting, how often would I have gathered you together, curse mankind, who very wealth is the stumbling block of their iniquity, like a hen doeth gather her brew, but you would not, now is your house, as in mother earth, left unto you deolate. Meaning there is, and has only been this one way to help, why Maaseiah watch it all burn with the wild infernos of it, broken from the beginning, blood line, women's womb in birth, Jesus' blood, it's indescribable foundation alone is it's single reconsruction all things else perish. It is here we're make sense of dreams of the antcrjist rise, not since Obama's presidential campaign, he come out, go into prediction doing the duration of the Obama administration, and now is to take his place the world stage, just as Trump, all beware! Just how is it she know all of this, it Beowulf has been given to her to know, is Masseiah like married? As though Lion Wolf you are not, I'm just saying, she some kind of amazing, well, just don't let her hear you talk like that, so to disclude god, I mean is that even a word, to Seal our own doom? Well, Beo man,  Jesus did day, he that believes not is condemn already, and what that really mean is, the original curse of death, judgment and hell remain, not having blood reconciliation."     >>>Lord Urusalem: Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the house. And the priests could not enter into the house of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord's house. And when all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down, and the glory of the Lord upon the house, they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement, and worshipped, and praised the Lord, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. Then the king and all the people offered sacrifices before the Lord.  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.     >>>And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me," I can't help myself you guys, it's just pounding in my ear, isn't that description in likeness of  Maaseiah describing the woman bearing those black bowls approaching her, those bowls meaning as well vials? Where first standing this line of millions awaiting a single water cooler, they strike up a conversation, when to Maaseiah's surprise she reach into her pocket, bear forth a business card not about better homes and gardens but better homeless shelters, this surety you guys that there is definitely one in her, well our future, or the tribulation saints she 's to represent. The worse of the worse of tribulations, said cataclysms are well on their way and millions are suffering in ways indescribable ever, and Maaseiah's intervention causes an intermission if you will, right in the midst. Intervention? As in intercessory prayers? Possibly Lion, I can't see anything else capable of causing such the stall doing the urgency of these vials being poured out, meaning regardless of how beyond terrifying there is hope in Christ's." Civil upheaval, into a full fledge Civil war, that would legitimize an invasion by Russia, China, or both on US soil, ok but what, I heard Maaseiah say how China wouldn't be justified invading American soil after some major natural disaster, but Civil war enough to jeopardize this world's single currency, the very bed they're all allied by, ah my Bronze you're right and what better to put a severely divided nation on such a footing as a Trump Whitehouse, although all troubles are to come with much forewarning, Elohim thoughts are not our thought, nor His Ways our ways, never is there a time, he doesn't know what he's doing, never!" Awake, be aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM